The Importance of Absurdity
Monday, February 09, 2004
Good weekends are awesome. And by awesome, I mean...yeah. Haha. I couldn't get anyone to go see SpencerAcuff with me Friday night, so I went by myself. I enjoy going to concerts and such things by myself every once in a while. Friday night was one of those nights. I ended up running into Chris and crew while there, which was really nice. I feel like I never see Chris outside of church and the occasional frisbee. And of course, the concert was tres magnifique. I just can't stress how much I love their music. While talking to Chris, I'd be like "Oooh, I like this song!". To which he'd reply, "Dude, you like EVERY song they play!". Chris invited me to go to a movie with the rest of them afterwards, but I declined, due to my extreme level of exhaustion. Plus, I didn't really like the other people he was with. So I came home and talked to Deidra for a while. I still didn't get to bed 'til 2, but oh well.
I woke up Saturday morning at like 11:30. Practice was at noon. And it definitely takes at least 15 minutes to get there. I thought about blowing it off, but I decided that I really did want to go. Stopped by Bo's first (and spent almost 20 min in the drive through line!) and was half an hour late. Not that it really mattered. Saturday was my first day ever seriously making an attempt at 3m. My yeesh, I have a lot of work to do before next season! I finally smacked a couple times and got some temporary bruises. And I did some synchro with Adrienne. Mucho fun. Jess came over Saturday afternoon. Between a long, serious talk over hot chocolate, spelling out "worship" with our bodies to "The Love of Christ" by Derek Webb, trying to pronounce the German words in the book that came with our Chick-Fil-A kids meals, screaming at the tv while watching How To Deal and naming our popcorn kernels, we had a marvelous time. It was muchly needed.
Yesterday started out great for the sole reason that James wasn't teaching Sunday school. It was actually interesting for once and I actually spoke up (rather than sitting with my back to the teacher). Of course, the worship music again sucked aside from Matt's violin parts and the curse of the IGrace songs was again displayed (every since IGrace song ever sung in worship has been screwed up beyond imagination). But after church, we all went to Fud's for lunch. Fud's is always magnificant, even though someone was in our booth this time. But we survived. Then Jess, Lydia, Chris and Aaron came back to my house for a game of Clue. Possibly the shortest game of Clue ever. Jess and Lyd ended up staying for several hours. It was just good 'ole quality time spent. The whole weekend was like that. I really needed to catch up with Jess, Lyd and Chris and I felt like I got to do all of that. The only thing that would have made it better was if Anna had been a part of the festivities.