The Importance of Absurdity
Friday, November 21, 2003
I've been looking through a bunch of my baby pictures, in search of one for the yearbook. I finally decided on one really adorable one in which I'm outside just after a thunderstorm. I'm barefoot (no surprise), wearing a blue checkered dress (what? a dress?) and holding a blue inflatable umbrella. To be quite honest, I was cute. Haha, as my mom says, what happened?
In looking for a picture though, I've found tons of ones of me and my brothers. I was somewhere in the 1.5-2.5 range, meaning Mike was between 4 and 5. And Brian was somewhere in between. There're all sorts of cute ones of the three of us. Sitting on the top bunk, "riding" on my dad's back, playing in our makeshift train (ie, 4 chairs lined up), watching tv, dressing up for Halloween, sitting in our car seats (all in the backseat), wrestling on one of their beds, in the bathtub, playing in the snow, riding our tricycles, etc. In other words, we did everything together. Mike was always holding me or Brian's hands, leading us somewhere (and telling us exactly how we had to do things, no doubt!). I wish I could remember those days. We all three played together. We never fought over who was gonna sit in the front seat, or whose turn it was to set the table or how long someone had been on the phone or whose turn it was to take the car or whatnot. None of that stuff mattered. That stuff didn't even exist for us then. It just makes me wonder how simple life was. I mean, I know it was simple. It's not like I had anything to worry about at age 2. But it makes me wonder what it'd be like for life to be that simple again. And what it'd be like for me and my brothers to have great relationships and do everything together again. What would it have been like if we'd stayed that close all throughout our childhoods and teenage years?