The Importance of Absurdity
Thursday, October 23, 2003
I'm currently warming up my fingers before attacking my 3 page history paper due tomorrow. Not that 3 pages is normally a lot...but considering I a page (front!) of notes, it might could be difficult. And I have FCA tonight. And a weeks worth of calculus. And...lots more work that's piled up all week. But I actually decided to be social this week and that's the price I pay I guess. Although, it's not been so much because I wanted to be social, but it's been the only way I could keep my mind from the things that are ripping my life apart at the seams.
First, there's this stupid crush I have. Except that it's moe than a crush. And it's not stupid. Just pointless. There's absolutely no way it'll ever be mutual, so being the sensible, realistic girl that I am, I've tried my darndest to get ove rhim. But it's not working in the least bit. Which is making it even more fustrating and using more emotional engergy than it was before. Stupid boys, eh?
Then there's diving. I was told at the beginning of this year (and last year) that there wouldn't be a team, so I went ahead and filled up my schedule with other activities, such as work and FCA and such. But now, as it turns out, there is a team. It isn't a huge problem. It means that maybe one day I could dive at Rhodes. The problem is that I hardly have the time. It means I'd only be able to work on Saturdays (and I wouldn't be surprised if, because of that, I get fired). It means I'd have very little time for friends, both from "real life" and the internet. And honestly, my "internet friends" are the only reason I've kept my sanity these past few weeks. They're the only real Christian fellowship I have. They've been so supportive of me, from sending me cookies when I was at GSW, to mailing me cds, to praying for me in regards to my crush. And diving would mean very little time to interact with them, as well as the the Quints/Pirates. But I'm expected to dive. I can't let Lindy (my old coach) down like that. The chance to dive on a varsity team in college? I mean, I can't just give that up, can I? I'd be out of my mind, right?
And then there's my church situation. As much as I'd like to be completely and brutally honest here in my thoughts about my church, it's just not fair for me to do so. I know who reads this and I know that if I said everything I wanted to, some people would be very hurt/offended. And that won't help anything. I will say though, that I knew last February, when they first interviewed him, that James (our new youth pastor) was not right for the job and wouldn't do to the youth program what it needed. I said that from day 1. I said that again when they hired him, after not even interviewing anyone else. And now, 4 months into his time here, there's been one youth group event. He won't listen to the parents. He flat out doesn't understand kids or their needs, and as far as I'm concerned, doesn't care. Which is fine with me, 'cause I don't give a damn about him either. But several families, including those of some of my closest friends, are leaving the church because of all the dissention and disconnect within the church. And it leaves me in a really crappy position. I've done nothing but give to this group for 6 years (this being the 7th). For whatever reason, I've always had immense influence on the group as a whole. I couldn't do anything about what happened last year. This year, I can do even less. But I just can't relegate myself to giving up.
The problem is, the only thing I like about my church right now is the people. I'm currently having issues with all of the pastors that I ever come into contact with. They all obviously don't care about me, my needs or my wellbeing. Their actions are just shouting that. I hate going to both Sunday school and "big people's church" (as we used to call it) because of who teaches. I can't go to college Sunday school either, because of the teacher. So, this week, I'm going to Chapel Hill Bible for their 9:30 church (I should have done it the past 2 weeks!) and then back to Good Shepherd for 11. Maybe I'll eventually get around to visiting the Summit Church, New Hope, Grace Church and First Baptist. But the fact remains, I never would have imagined myself leaving my church. But honestly, I have very little reason to stay. Jessica, Lydia, Anna (when she comes!), Chris and Jon are the only real reasons. There's just nothing really holding me there now, no reason to stay. And that's what hurts me the most.