The Importance of Absurdity
Saturday, May 01, 2004
This, my friends, is why I like boys.

Josh: What the heck WAS Bud Dry? It has "Bud" in the name -- so it must be gross -- but what in the world was it?
Brandon: I never had it. It was gone before I turned 21. I just remember that Ben Stein was the voice that said "Why ask why? Try bud dry."
Josh: Yeah -- I remember too. And I was always confused by how beer could be dry.
Brandon: Maybe it was that freeze-dried astronaut stuff. That was big in the late 80s/early 90s
Josh: So would it be blocks? Or it would it be beer powder?
Brandon: Well the ice cream was kind of a mixture of both. So I would say that it would be kind of a mixture of both.
Josh: And it would still have that funky cardboard texture, too, wouldn't it?
Brandon: Mos def
Josh: That might be a plus, it would destract from the horrible taste.
Brandon: Plus you would be eating ASTRONAUT beer. The novelty would make it taste all the better as well.
Josh: If you WERE an astornaut, and Budweiser was the only beer you could get…would you drink it?
Brandon: Hmm......good question. The novelty still gets lots of points right now. So maybe initially. Do you think alcohol would still be present if it's freeze-dried?
Josh: I think that's a secondary consideration.
Brandon: Cause that might inhibit you from flying the spaceship
Josh: It's a spaceship! What are you gonna hit? There's no centerline to cross!
Brandon: But what if you come across an asteroid field? Or space debris?
Josh: This isn't Star Wars! We're not flyin' around the galaxy all nimbly-bimbly running away from the darkside! All our "spaceships" just go up and chill in orbit and such. There's no skill needed for that!
Brandon: They do perform experiments though. I think they should do experiments to see what the lack of gravity does to a drunken state.
Josh: I think that would be awesome. What would happen to carbonation is space? Would it still be fizzy?
Brandon: Maybe the bubbles would go in every sort of direction. Instead of just up. Or just stay static.
Josh: Would they even "bubble"? Would it just a big blob of beer just sort of floating around?