The Importance of Absurdity
Saturday, August 16, 2003
And I'm back. So yeah, school. Calculus pretty much just flat out sucks. Especially since it's right before lunch. The good thing is, I dread going, but once I'm there, it's not so bad. Same thing with English. It's right after lunch and I never want to go, but once I'm there it's not bad at all. And then there's the sacred European history with Don Jones. My all-time favorite teacher. It's the best class ever! Seriously, all the really funny boys in my grade are in that class. And then I have strings. Which is worthless. Which I'll eventually be able to just not show up for. So yay for that!
I guess the worst part about school is that I never see Jasmine or Lindsey or Alisa or Christina or Jay. I see the latter 3 in the hallways sometimes, but that's it. And I never see Jasmine or Lindsey. As in, I saw Jasmine in the hall after school yesterday and it was the first time all week that I'd seen her. We've never, since she moved here in 6th grade, not had either a class or lunch together. What a year to be the first, eh? And because of that, I fear that I'm gonna be sucked into good work habits, especially since all my lunch girls are all perfect and work really hard and are all super-involved and stuff. I guess there's worse things that could happen though.
Oh, and Monday, I get my lunch pass. Which means that I'll probably go to Elyse's house for lunch most days! Yay for not having to bring or buy food! =)