The Importance of Absurdity
Saturday, January 25, 2003
Oh, what the heck. I've already complained to everyone else. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO!!! I'm so frickin' bored! All my friends are either out on dates/with their boyfriends or babysitting or doing other such things. There's absolutely nothing for me to do but go see a movie. And I'm not sure I really want to go see a chick flick by myself. It's one thing to wallow in self-pity with a friend or two, but it's a whole 'nother story when you're by yourself! I just know that I need to get out of the house. I could go see Steep Canyon Rangers at the Cradle tonight...but wait! That would be fun! Whyever on earth would I be allowed to do that??? Yup, my 'rents would freak. If I had someone to go with, it'd be alright. But not by myself. Heaven forbid I should go anywhere by myself.
Maybe I'll go to Borders and get a book and some hot chocolate and read. Yeah...that's starting to sound really good.