The Importance of Absurdity
Sunday, January 12, 2003
I love my babies. It's always fun to tell people that too. I babysat for Catie last night. What fun. She was in a great mood too. She's not quite walking, but she's just starting to say a couple words. And she does animal noises (you should see her do monkey, crap and fish!). And she's absolutely adorable. She still loves her "tubbie" as her mom calls her bath. And she loves her stuffed animals. And most of all, she loves it when I sing her to sleep. Especially when I sing her Eric Peters' "Katie". And I love her to death. It was almost like a reunion. After babysitting for her once, usually twice a week from all fall, I hadn't seen her in a month and a half. And so much happens in a month and a half when you're her age.
I saw another one of my babies today. Jack. He was being baptized. I babysat for him once a week this summer, but I hadn't seen him since. He's so big now! Anyway, I thought it was great that just as he was being baptized, he got this huge grin on his face. I just know he's gonna grow up to be a great guy, just like his daddy.
I also Emma today. Now, Emma's not a baby. She definitely wouldn't like me saying that. She's another one that I sat for once a week this summer. And she's the absolute all time ever most adorable child you will ever see. She's got gorgeous blond curls and the cutest little nose...we would swing for hours on end. And whenever she got tired of swinging by herself or with Hannah, she'd come climb on my lap and we'd swing together. And she'd insist on holding my hand wherever we went. And just think, she'll be starting preschool next year!
And it all reminds me of Sophia. I babysat her a lot during sophomore year. I watched her grow from a tiny little 6 month old to a walking (or rather, running) and nearly talking year old. I had great times with Sophia. But soon after she turned 1, her mom got pregnant again and they decieded to get a nanny. I've only seen her once since, at a swim meet last year. I didn't even recognize her. It made me sad.
So yeah, I decided that if for some reason I do get married, I won't have any babies (I mean, I'd already decided that) because I love them too much when they're in the 6m-24m range.