The Importance of Absurdity
Thursday, December 25, 2003
For whatever reason, I like making cookies. I spent Sunday afternoon at Anna's making cookies with Anna, Jess and Lydia. I made (and will continue to make in the next couple days) red and green cookies for my friends as Christmas presents. When I get sad, I make cookies. Shoot, I even made and mailed cookies to some friends in Arkansas! One of the funnest things though, was watching people's reactions to their Christmas cookies. The girls were very polite and you could tell they looked forward to eating them, but weren't gonna do it in my presence (Is that just a girl thing?). The boys on the other hand, were so stinkin' excited. It was most excellent. Their eyes got all wide as they exclaimed "Dude! For me?" and then freaked out when they realized the cookies were still warm. I adore getting reactions like that. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Or something.
In any event, I just wanted to wish all y'all an absolutely wonderful Christmas! May God bless you kids!