The Importance of Absurdity
Thursday, February 26, 2004
Have I ever metioned that I hate snow? For real. It pisses me off. It always snows at the complete most inopportune times. Or something. Actually, it was a little nice getting out of school early again today. We only had a 20 min English class, so we played 7-up. Oh man, what a great game. We convinced our teacher that being seniors, we'd never get to play it again. So we played and he played with us. Haha, I remember playing it in 3rd grade or whatever...and the everyone always picked the person they had a crush on. Always. And in middle school, you only picked people in your circle or what not, so you always knew who picked you. It was really fun today though. I shared my strategy (if you can call it that) of remembering what the person's hand feels like and then looking at everyone's hands to figure it out. That didn't work so well for me today. Haha, Wes's hands definitely feel like girl hands! I did know Max's hands though, wierdly enough. But the funniest thing ever was when the guy who sits next to me leaned over and was like, "That girl in the white sweater's so FINE!". And then, in the first round, she picked him. He leaned over later with the hugest grin on his face and said "Oh man, the hot girl picked me!". I mean, he was giddy. It was awesome. The whole game was awesome. I love that none of us have really grown up any at all.