The Importance of Absurdity
Friday, February 06, 2004
I confuddle myself sometimes with my attitude towards school. I oscillate so much between being obesessive and not giving a damn. Within a period of hours. For example, I'm about to head out to Davis, one of Carolina's libraries to do massive research with a friend for our pro-dairy ad campaign (for environmental science). We've got all sorts of killer arguments and we're working on setting up a meeting with someone in NCSU's Ag-Sci department, just to flush things out. There's actually 2 other people in our group, but we're essentially just letting them do nothing. Oh, and did I mention that we don't even have a due date for the project yet? Yeah. That's my obsessive side.
My I don't give a damn side was in hyper mode just an hour ago though. I had a Euro test that was only 50 multiple choice questions, and 3 short answer questions. I finished the MC with more than half an hour left in class. Being that I was bored out of my skull and my right hand was sore (from writing a kick-ass essay the class period before), I decided to answer the short answer questions with my left hand. I am most definitely a righty. My paper was most definitely barely legible. So I wrote a little note to my teacher at the bottom of my paper, explaining that due to the extremely boring nature of the test, I was passing time by writing with my left hand. We'll see how that goes.