The Importance of Absurdity
Friday, May 16, 2003
It's come to my attention that I am generally being blamed for and accused of running Freddie (our current youth director) off. I find this incredibly interesting, especially since I mentioned jokingly a couple months ago that I could easily do so. Did I actually do so though? Not to my knowledge, no.
You see, it's quite obvious that Freddie and I don't get along. It's been that way since he started last May. I mean, we were already having issues in the middle of June. And really, it wasn't so much that I had issues with him, I just had issues with the way things were being done. It only led to having issues with him when he decided not to handle my objections as an adult. My issues were simply that he didn't handle things maturely, as an adult, as he ought to in that position. Then things in the youth group got worse. I brought up some issues and he chose not to respond to them. Things that I had brought up before and he had flat-out ignored. You can imagine how that makes me feel. I would have been ok though if, in January, when it was announced that he was leaving, hadn't decided to give up on the youth group. There's absolutely no reason for me to respect him anymore. I don't care if you get sad when I say that, it's the honest truth. He's given me no reason for respect.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I admit that I'm hard on people. I admit that I've been hard on the past 2 youth pastors/directors and even on the future youth pastor that has yet to start. I admit that I have a mouth on me that often couples with my attitude and audacity to get me in trouble. I admit that I talk a lot of crap about people I don't like. And I admit that I wanted nothing more than for Freddie to leave and for us to get a real youth pastor. But I'm shocked, and honestly a little hurt, that people (yes, people, as in several, as in more than one) would think that I'd purposely run him off. And I know it may not seem like I have feelings, but I really do. And this hurts them guys. It really does.